The Starlight Childrens Foundation’s biggest event of the year will be held at
Popham Airfield, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, SO21 3BD on Wednesday 7th
August 2019.
Many volunteers come along to entertain critically and terminally ill children
and some bring their aircraft, helicopters, classic and sports cars, buses, fire
engines and the like to give rides.
For over ten years, the Southern branch, together with other members of the
HCGB, has supported this charity by giving rides in their hovercraft.
The Southern Branch is inviting anyone to join us who would like to give rides
to these children or to just come along to assist those that can. Many children
are expected and we want to ensure that there are enough of us to give them all
a great time. We well know what a rewarding and inspiring day it can be to
meet these young people and it makes a real difference, not only to them but
also their families.
Would you like to help?
Please contact us on 01425 610775 or 07711 560347 or
Many thanks
Bob Beech